Private and customizable profiles

Published: Mon 22 March 2021

Our latest feature is another step towards making it easier to connect with your real life friends, family and colleagues on Peergos - social profiles! It goes without saying that we've put quite a bit of thought into how we can make sure you're able to keep certain pieces of personal information private and secure, while making other pieces public. Our solution: profiles that display only the information you choose to share with your friends on Peergos.

You can now create a profile and set an image, status, bio and all the usual fields like email, phone, first name and last name. What you choose to fill in is up to you! What's more, you control who can see each of these fields by granting read access to each field to individual users or groups such as your friends or followers on Peergos. As you'd expect from Team Peergos, everything is end-to-end encrypted and the server can't see anything.

To get started, signup or log in to your existing account, click on the settings button in the top right hand corner and select "Profile". This will bring up the profile screen. Simply fill in some details, click "Save Profile", and then you'll be able to select who gets to see which parts of your profile. It's like having a fully customizable business card!

Setup your private profile and control who can see which parts.

How does this work, you ask? Under the hood, each field on your profile ends up as a file in Peergos, which means we can leverage our built-in access control easily. We just agree a convention on the path, e.g. /username/.profile/firstname. Then, anyone trying to view your profile can only see the parts you've shared with them.

robin hood
A friend viewing Robin Hood's profile. They've only been granted access to a few fields.

This work was built as part of our grant from the Next Generation Internet program (NGI POINTER).

NGI Pointer NGI Pointer

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the NGI-POINTER Project funded under grant agreement No 871528


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